We're passionate about our chance to make concrete changes
in the world of special needs. Our mission is to pave the way for those with
disabilities to reach those crucial developmental milestones and score
meaningful employment.
We know, all to well, the diverse challenges people face
when they learn a member of their family or friend has special needs. We are
committed to helping these families navigate this tough road.
How do we make this mission a reality?
1. When you shop both our SETS and Doing
Great Clothing Co. gear it gives us the opportunity to donate to local
organizations who share our vision
2. By expanding our Doing Great Clothing Co. family to
create meaningful job opportunities.
Whenever asked how his day is going, how it's been or howhe's doing (even when in a bad mood) Nathan will answer with "DoingGreat".Hoping that each day we can say our day is doing great.